About Us

The goal of the NDSU Chess Club is to provide a community for chess players at NDSU, as well as promote chess to new and existing players. We meet weekly to unite individuals who share a passion for the game. For the latest meeting schedule and location details, please refer to the myNDSU platform. We warmly welcome participants of all skill levels. We strive to create an inclusive environment where anyone can engage and have fun.

Learning and Memberships

The Chess Club is dedicated to providing high-quality educational resources to its members. As part of this commitment, we are offering a 50% reimbursement for courses purchased from Chessly.com. Chessly offers detailed and extensive courses on opening, middlegame, and endgame strategies. Additionally, it provides interactive and unique training puzzles designed to help players of any skill level improve. Prior to making a purchase, please connect with one of our officers to ensure a seamless process.

As proud partners of Chess.com, we are excited to extend the benefits of gold memberships to our members. If interested, please contact one of our officers. You can also contribute to our efforts of reaching the next tier (Platinum) by joining our Chess.com Club and participating in the Collegiate Chess League (CCL).

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